Christmas Eve Services
Concerts & Events ~ Gift Markets & Ideas
This Month in the Presbytery of Baltimore
Presbytery Lights Advent Luminaria
Sundays, November 29, December 6, 13, 20 and Christmas Day
Concerts & Events
Christmas Concert and Silent Film – December 13, 7 pm
Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
Program to include popular and classical holiday music performed by organist, Michael Britt followed by the silent film short “Big Business” starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Join in-person or via live stream. In-person seating is limited and by pre-registration only. For more information on how to register, please visit
Advent Book Club – December 14th, 7 – 8:30 pm
Join Pastor Jessie and Christ our Anchor Presbyterian Church for an evening of sharing and reflecting on their theme of Advent 2020: Joseph, the father of Jesus. What does it mean that Jesus was an adopted child? Where would we be if Joseph had not said yes to raising this Child, the Son of God? What issues in the world are we called to adopt and take personally in the same way? A very short book will be used for the discussion called Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph (link here to Amazon), but you do not need to read the book to participate. All are welcome! Info and Zoom link
Drive Thru Live Nativity – Friday, December 18th
Woods Memorial Presbyterian invites you to journey to Bethlehem to be counted for the census. Encounter the shepherds keeping watch over their flock. Wander with Mary and Joseph as they try to find a room in the crowded city. Hear the angels share the message of the Good News. Like the Wisemen, bring your gifts which will be used to offer shelter for those who have no place to stay. Facebook event
Christmas Concert – December 19, 5 pm
Grace Presbyterian Church – To connect to the service, go to and click on the zoom icon
Christmas Pageant – December 20, 11 am
Celebrate the Christmas story with Brown Memorial and a cast of characters via Zoom. Congregants are encouraged to join the cast as either an angel or an animal.
Christmas Caroling – December 20, 3 pm
Bethel Presbyterian Physically distanced, of course!
Virtual Candlelight Christmas Concert – December 20, 4 pm
First and Franklin Presbyterian Church
While we are unable to physically join together to experience the beauty of music in the glorious sanctuary of First & Franklin Church, we invite you to join with friends far and near for an upcoming video rendering of our annual Candlelight Choral Concert.
Longest Night Service – December 20, 5 pm
First Presbyterian Church of Cumberland
Blue Christmas – Monday, December 21, 7 pm
Hosted by Catonsville Presbyterian Church: 2020 has been a difficult year for many, with grief, loss, and hardship around every corner. This holiday season may be a time of sadness – loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of health, concern for our country. Maybe the holidays are always difficult for you, or you’re just not feeling very holly jolly this year. Join our pastors for a special evening of music, remembrance, and reflection. Our online Blue Christmas service, on the longest night of the year, will create a space to hold and honor our sadness, sorrow, and grief, remember that we’re not alone, and find God’s light shining in the darkness. Facebook event
Blue Christmas Service – Monday, December 21, 4 pm
Ashland Presbyterian Church
Longest Night Gathering for A Holiday Service of Remembrance & Grief – December 21, 7 pm
Brown Memorial Park Avenue: Known also as “Blue Christmas,” a Longest Night Gathering is a safe and sacred space to share anguish, to plead with God to remember us, to pray for justice and restoration, even to hope against hope, through our doubts and tears and fears, that “God will set things right all over the earth” (1 Samuel 2:10, The Message Translation). Sing, pray, and share your grief with God and one another from your home. To fully experience this service we suggest bringing the following supplies: a small wire or wooden wreath frame, strips of cloth, 4 candles of the same height, 1 candle of a taller height, and a black marker.
Blue Christmas Service – December 21, 7 pm
Catonsville Presbyterian Church: This year in particular we need a time to sit with our sadness, sorrow, and grief, acknowledge our feelings and emotions, and find God’s light shining in darkness. This service will be shared on Facebook Live.
Longest Night Service – December 21, 7 pm
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County: The Winter Solstice, December 21, is the longest and darkest night of the year. We gather – this year online from our Sanctuary – for an Advent worship service that yearns for the light of Christ to dawn.
Blue Christmas – December 21, 7 pm
Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church – Blue Christmas is a service for those living with loss, depression and challenge and for those who pray for and support them. Blue Christmas recognizes the struggles that many people face during this season, and seeks to provide a time of rest, comfort and healing. The meaning of Christmas is that we may be met with hope and light in the midst of darkness. This year particularly, the service is for all of us as we grieve not only the loss of loved ones, but of our many brothers and sisters whose lives have been devastated by COVID-19 and the consequent loss of life as we have known it.
Gift Markets & Ideas
First and Franklin Presbyterian – Alternative Christmas Market
An opportunity to honor friends, relatives, or co-workers by purchasing Christmas cards from mission and social justice organizations. Your donations will go directly to their programs. This year’s Market will be completely online.
Towson Presbyterian Church – Alternative Gift Market
This year, like everything else in 2020, TPC’s Alternative Gift Market is a bit different. Instead of gathering in person, we can “shop” virtually, choosing to support wonderful local and international organizations that are caring and loving those who are in great need. To explore virtual Alternative Gift Market and donate directly to an organization, please visit their website.
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church
4:00 pm: Christmas Eve Children’s Service
5:30 pm: Lanterns and Luminaries
7:00 pm: Christmas Eve Service
Ashland Presbyterian Church
4:00 pm: Christmas Eve worship available through email and on the website.
5:00 pm: Facebook Watch Party
and Sunday, December 27: Christmas Cantata Worship
Brown Memorial Park Avenue Church
5:30: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols
Catonsville Presbyterian Church
Traditional Christmas Eve services will be pre-recorded and premiered on Facebook and YouTube.
4:00 pm: The Family Service
8:00 pm: Candlelight Service
Central Presbyterian Church
5:00, 7:00 and 9:00 pm: Featured will be familiar carols presented in a variety of musical styles, narrations, a meditation, along with a time for candle lighting.
Chestnut Grove Presbyterian Church
4-6:00 pm: Blessing and Gift drive by – Visit the church parking lot for a (socially distant) blessing and a gift.
8:00 pm: Christmas Eve Service on Zoom
Facebook event
Christ our Anchor Presbyterian Church
5:00 pm: ABC’s of Christmas Pageant – This virtual program will tell the story of Christmas with a pageant performed by COA children and youth
8:00 pm: Service of Worship – Including scripture readings, sermon and music.
11:30 pm: Service of Worship – A brief service including carols, communion and prayer.
Christ Our King Presbyterian
7:00 pm: We will gather together virtually via Zoom and Facebook for a traditional Christmas Eve service with music, readings and a virtual passing of the light of Christ. A recording will be available on the website following the service.
First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis
4:00 pm: Live family service on Zoom with Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort, Miss Good, and a virtual pageant with members of the congregation. Then, at 7:00 pm: Pre-recorded service with Revs. Andy & Mihee Kim-Kort. The traditional service will remain available online. – Facebook
First Presbyterian Church of Cumberland
4:00 pm: Christmas Eve Service – Invite your family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County
3:00 – 5:00 pm: Children’s Christmas Journey to Bethlehem
7:15 pm: Gathering Music begins
8:00 pm: Livestream Christmas Eve Service
Govans Presbyterian Church – Facebook page
4:30 pm: Children and Family Pageant
8:00 pm: Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols
Granite Presbyterian Church
6:00 pm: Virtual Service with Lessons & Carols, Spiritual Communion, and Candlelighting.
Hancock Presbyterian Church
7:30 pm: Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Havenwood Presbyterian Church
8:00 pm: Christmas Eve Worship Service
Kenwood Presbyterian Church
7:00 pm: Christmas Eve Service – Seating limitations! – you must pre-register to attend in person.
Maryland Presbyterian Church
4:00 pm: Light up the Woods at Maryland Presbyterian Church – Bring your kids to Maryland Presbyterian Church to have fun setting out hundreds of safe, battery operated candles on our hillside, to make our space
7:30 pm: Drive-In Christmas Eve by Candlelight – Join us for a special drive-in Christmas Eve service. We will have all of your favorite elements of a traditional MPC Christmas Eve service from the safety of your car or on livestream.
Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church
4:30 pm: Carols and Candlelight Celebration – Everyone is invited to gather outside the church on the sidewalk and patio for carols. (masked and socially distanced, of course!) culminating in “Silent Night,” when we pass the light of Christ on candles as we always do – A great event for families with young children!
7:30 pm: Virtual Christmas Eve Service – Facebook
Roland Park Presbyterian Church
5:00 pm: Christmas Eve Online Worship – Facebook
Second Presbyterian Church
7:00 pm: Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Service – Livestreamed on YouTube
10:30 pm & 11:30 pm: Music, Prayer & Candlelight – On the Front Steps (limited to 24 people–advance registration required)
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
4:00 pm: Live streamed Christmas Eve Service
5:15 pm: In Person Christmas Eve Service
In order to follow all safety precautions and provide proper distancing, we will be limiting available seating on Christmas Eve; however, two services will be provided so those who want to attend in-person can. Cleaning will take place between the two services. Each service will be limited to 40 people per service, and once the capacity has been met the reservation link will no longer be accessible.
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
7:00 pm: Christmas Eve Worship Service