A new way, new hope in service and community
About Comunidad Presbyteriana La Trinidad (CPT)
Comunidad Presbyteriana La Trinidad (The Presbyterian Community of the Trinity) is a New Worshipping Community of the PC(USA) tradition formed by the six Presbyterian USA churches in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, known as the Bay Area Disciples. The Hispanic population in Anne Arundel County is among the fastest growing, the poorest, and the most underserved in terms of social services of all groups in Anne Arundel County. The 2015 Poverty Among Plenty Report, published by the Anne Arundel Count Foundation, cited this rapid growth and expressed a strong need for accessible medical services. Transportation was also identified as a significant need. The Report on the Hispanic Population of Anne Arundel County by Reverend Migde Lucas, a Guatemalan Presbyterian Pastor, and Marcia Towers, former PC(USA) mission co-worker, demonstrated a strong need for a Presbyterian Hispanic Ministry in Anne Arundel County. CPT, formed in 2016, is the only mission for the Hispanic community in the reformed tradition in the area.
We are a church founded in Jesus Christ, that is based in the community as a center of action. We proclaim the gospel, to bring the Good News to those who need it most, building the Kingdom of God through our missionary and spiritual (diaconal) work. We are instruments of God to transform, in an integral way, the life of the sons and daughters of God, respecting people regardless of their social, political, economic, sex or cultural conditions.
To be the community of faith where Hispanic families in Anne Arundel County can encounter God; to be a space where they can receive comprehensive pastoral and social care, with attention to their spiritual and material lives that promote their development and participation within the community. All this through the proclamation of the Gospel, prayer, and the development of social programs available to the families.