Per capita is a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 10,000 congregations and mid councils of the Presbyterian Church (USA) connect, participate and share in the work of the wider church. A congregation’s share is based on its membership.
2025 List of Baltimore Presbytery Churches Per Capita
Per Capita is $42, based on 2023 membership
- $10.84 goes to the General Assembly, and
- $1.15 goes to the Synod, and
- $30.01 is retained by the Presbytery
2024 List of Baltimore Presbytery Churches Per Capita
Per Capita is $40, based on 2022 membership
- $9.80 goes to the General Assembly, and
- $1.15 goes to the Synod, and
- $29.05 is retained by the Presbytery
What is Per Capita?
Per Capita funding is how Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together and to set directions for the future. Contributions to Per Capita provide the ecclesiastical infrastructure that binds our ministry. It enables churches to call pastors; supports those pastors in their ministries; provides for guidance in troubled times; encourages those called to church leadership; and enables us to gather as the body of Christ.
See how your giving is making a difference with this excellent list by Rev. Ryan J Landino, from the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy.
How is Per Capita Used?
Per Capita apportionments provide an opportunity for members to equally, responsibly and independently participate in the governance of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and its governing bodies by sharing the cost of coordinating and evaluating mission, performing ecclesiastical, legislative and judicial functions that identify a reformed church while at the same time strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians.
- General Assembly : Ministry support, equal responsible, and interdependent representation in PC(USA) Governance
- Synod : Mission evaluation, ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions
- Presbytery : General Presbyter and Stated Clerks, office rent, administrative expenses, and Commission on Ministry (COM) and Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
By J. Herbert Nelson, II – Presbyterians Today