Commission on Reconciliation Meetings
The Commission on Reconciliation encourages and facilitates the work of reconciliation by raising awareness and building our congregations’ capacity to engage in their neighborhoods and the world. The Commission embodies the Presbytery’s shared witness to reconciliation through Presbytery partnerships, the Self Development of People program and initiatives that challenge and support congregational leaders in their efforts to dismantle racism, alleviate suffering and bear public witness to the reconciling love of Christ.
Dismantling Racism
The Presbytery of Baltimore Policy on Mandatory Dismantling Racism Training, which was adopted unanimously on September 13, 2018, and updated on November 14, 2020 can be found with other helpful resources on our Dismantling Racism webpage.

Enduring Witness Reconciliation Grant Program
Community Engagement grants are directed for community outreach, more specifically for community organizing and community engagement by congregations in the Presbytery of Baltimore.
Cuba Partnership
Member churches of the Presbytery of Baltimore developed a team of representatives from each congregation to partner with congregations in El Centro Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Cuba.
Baltimore Dakota Learning Camps
Baltimore Dakota Learning Camps is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to providing educational enrichment opportunities for children in the church communities within the Dakota Presbytery. The Baltimore and Dakota Presbytery partners talk about the best camp model for the community which it serves.
Guatemala Partnership
In 2015, the Presbytery of Baltimore began a new chapter in its relationship with Guatemala through the establishment of a 5-year partnership with CEDEPCA, or the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America.
PCUSA Office of Public Witness
Our lawmakers’ votes are influenced by their personal views, their political party’s positions, the advice of staff and friends and lobbyist. Most importantly — they are regularly gauging what the voters in their districts think. Therefore, the single most important influence should be you.
Disaster Assistance
The national office of the PC(USA) has a whole website devoted to Presbyterian disaster assistance and how you can get involved: financially, or with disaster recovery ministry.
Commission on Reconciliation Commissioners
Chair: Karen Brown, TE – Hope Presbyterian – 2026
Staff: Susan Krehbiel, RE – Presbytery of Baltimore
Chrystie Adams, RE – Brown Memorial Presbyterian – 2024
Marty Clayton, RE – Woods Memorial Presbyterian – 2024
Han, Jeong, TE – Korean United Presbyterian – 2026
Rice, Roger, TE – Honorably Retired – 2026
Bob Steppling, RE – Springfield Presbyterian – 2026
Rev. Stephen Price-Gibson – Honorably Retired – Guatemalan Representative