But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:17-18
The Presbytery of Baltimore Emergency Assistance Fund will be used to provide emergency financial aid to eligible individuals in time of an urgent financial or pastoral need. This fund may not be applicable for cases in which long-term financial support is needed. This fund is intended as a last resort, to be used only after the requestor has explored all other possibilities of help. The maximum amount of disbursement per individual in a calendar year shall be at the discretion of the General Presbyter and members of the Committee on Ministry Leadership Team. The Presbytery of Baltimore reserves the right to adjust or decline an applicant’s request. The Presbytery of Baltimore does not discriminate between applicants based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability.
Only Presbytery of Baltimore staff and Presbytery of Baltimore members “in good standing” are eligible for emergency assistance. Presbytery of Baltimore members include: teaching elders, educators, members at large, and retired individuals in the previous categories.
- A completed “Emergency Assistance Request Form” must be submitted by the eligible individual or by any active/retired participant in the Presbytery of Baltimore on behalf of the eligible individual. Additional requests may be granted pending the provision of detailed demonstration of financial need and availability of funds. Request forms may be directed to the Committee on Ministry or General Presbyter.
NOTE: Incomplete request forms will not be processed and will be returned to the requestor. - All requests must be reviewed and approved by the General Presbyter and members of the Committee on Ministry Leadership Team. The committee may also request additional documentation such as personal bank statements or tax returns from the applicant. The applicant will be informed of the Committee’s decision in a timely manner.
- The Committee on Ministry Chair or General Presbyter shall report all expenditures to the Committee on Ministry in a timely manner. Such reporting does not require that the specific individual being helped be named, but the number of grants and status of the Emergency Assistance Fund must be reported.
- Preference will be given to first time requests.
Emergency Assistance funds can only be granted for necessities. These needs include, but are not limited to the following:
- Food
- Housing
- Utilities
- Clothing
- Medical assistance
Emergency Assistance funds cannot be granted for the following
- Legal fees
- Credit card debt
- Penalties for irresponsible actions
- Private school fees or tuition
- Business ventures or investments
With the consent of the Committee on Ministry, the General Presbyter, or the Presbytery of Baltimore, unrestricted gifts, contributions, and bequests can be designated to the Emergency Assistance Fund.