There are many instances where churches and ministries allow BSA activities to take place on their premises, whether they charter a troop or simply permit gatherings or activities to take place. The deadline for filing a claim is November 16, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. EST.

The Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Information Sheet (pdf) details the following information and questions for your consideration:
- What claims are subject to this notice
- Should your ministry file a claim
- Deadline to file a claim
- How to file a sexual abuse survivor proof of claim
- How to file a general proof of claim
We recommend ministries consult legal counsel for information and guidance.
Webcast, Thursday, November 19 @ 2pm:
Securing Your House of Worship: A Roadmap to Success
PCUSA General Counsel Mike Kirk has provided this Q&A for congregations that have been involved with the Boy Scouts, in relation to their bankruptcy and allegations of sexual abuse.
Boys Scouts of America Bankruptcy Informational Document (pdf)
The information should be helpful to any congregation that has/had a Boy Scout troop or had a troop and a charter from the Boy Scouts of America.
However, congregations need to know that:
- the national offices cannot take action on behalf of the member churches since they are, according to the Book of Order, to form separate corporations for purposes such as owning property, employing staff, and purchasing insurance (G-4.0101). Therefore, attorneys hired by congregations will likely advise congregations who believe they should file with the bankruptcy court to do it on behalf of their church corporation; and
- churches would be wise to contact their local attorney to discuss the information in the Q&A. If the information leads them to believe they may need to file something in the bankruptcy action they should seriously consider hiring local counsel to help them with that process.
The bankruptcy action was filed by the BSA. We expect that some sort of fund will be set up by the bankruptcy court for survivors, against which they can make claims, and for parties (ex. congregations) who may be sued by survivors who might have a claim against the BSA and that party because a BSA leader engaged in abuse while the trooped was “hosted” by the congregation.