Camajuani is located in the province of Villa Clara and has a population of about 20,000. Its economy is primarily based on the farming of sugar cane and tobacco.
Lay Pastor:
Marielys Cabrera Leal
Founded in 1912. Membership: 70 with many children and youth. New fellowship hall recently built by German church.
Mission Activities:
Sunday morning worship, includes four Sunday School classes. During the week, the church provides breakfast for 35 needy people, prayer services and leadership training; as well as a laundry program, activities for children and the elderly and space fo Alcohol Anonymous meetings. The church seeks to increase technical and economic opportunities for its community and provide more support programs for families and people with terminal illnesses.
Camajuani as begun a new partnership with the congregation of Brown Memorial Park Avenue
Church Partnership:
Brown Memorial Park Avenue (2019)