2023 Recipients
The Cherry Hill Distribution Ministry provides bags of food and toiletries to community residents free of charge. This significantly impacts their health and quality of life. Every other month, residents from the Cherry Hill Community come to the church to pick up bags of food including canned goods, rice, beans, vegetables, pastas, soups, and chicken. The program also provides toiletries such as soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, and oral hygiene products.
Funding is to cover the increased cost of food for the Giving Boxes project. Their goal for 2023 is to provide a box of food and a frozen turkey to 800 families at Thanksgiving. The funding will help to meet the rising costs of food products in order to sustain last year’s goal.
Funding for a sidewalk food pantry and a sidewalk library. The sidewalk food pantry would benefit the needs of the community, which is able to collect and distribute food there. The sidewalk library will increase the literacy, education and book sharing, especially of children, in the community, as there is no town library.
The church is leading the way in supporting the Community Cafe, a pay-what-you-can restaurant, in downtown Cumberland. The congregation has been a driving force in moving the initiative to the place where it is currently and would like to be able to see the cafe open their doors this fall. The cafe desires to bring about a fuller sense of community through nourishing food in a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Madison Avenue’s community engagement organizing effort is to establish an ECO HUB, led by and for their neighbors. The purpose of the partnership is to raise the community’s awareness of eco-justice; develop an action plan; and provide emergency responses to the threat of climate change. They seek to deepen their relationship with their neighbors, using resources to equip them to lead in shaping the health and well-being of their neighborhood.
The context for this grant is to provide the financial means for publicity and advertising for the wider expression of the church in worship and community events. Springfield Presbyterian hopes to deepen their relationship with the local community, which is growing, and provide a space for learning in faith and love that extends beyond the sanctuary’s four walls.
Trinity Presbyterian Church of Baltimore, Maryland is partnering with the World Academics Sports Team (WAST) 501c3 nonprofit organization to assist underserved and at-risk youth in the Baltimore area.
2022 Recipients
- First Presbyterian Church of Cumberland, $7,250 : to support a new community café (pay-as-you-can) in the Cumberland downtown area.
- Brown Memorial Park Avenue, $2,500 : Funding for the Brown Memorial Tutoring Program. To provide elementary school age children from under-resourced families/communities with the opportunity to build their literacy skills, regain their confidence, and succeed in school.
- First and Franklin Presbyterian Church, $7,250 : To initiate a Gun-Buy-Back Project which takes unwanted guns, melts, and shapes them into garden tools.
- Hope Presbyterian Church, $4,000 : To offer five Family Fun Nights (FFN) to deepen relationships between Hope, Zumi, and community families. The FFN will include activities and conversations around community needs.
- Faith Presbyterian Church, $4,000 : To broaden and deepen its engagement with Walter P. Carter Elementary/Middle School as well as establish a relationship with Nexus Woodbourne, a residential facility for youngsters from 12-18 years of age who struggle with emotions, behavior, and/or mental health. A Story Walk for school age children was installed on the church grounds.
2021 Recipients
- Brown Memorial, $3,000 : Green Team projects working with other congregations
- Faith Presbyterian, $2,000 : Story Walk on church property, Family engagement nights with Walter B. Carter Elementary/Middle School
- Hunting Ridge Presbyterian, $6,000 : Rosemont Community Interfaith Coalition Summer Camp, 5 week program. Funds to pay for artist in residence and support other enrichment activities.
- Cherry Hill Presbyterian, $5,000 : Cherry Hill distribution ministry – food and toiletries.
- Maryland Presbyterian, $2,000 : Becoming a teaching congregation with Food and Faith, Inc.
- CPT, $2,000 : Micro Loan Program
- Hope Presbyterian, $5,000 : Reengaging the community with outreach programs
2020 Recipients
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, only several grants were awarded, although some had to deviate from their original implementation plans.
- Faith Presbyterian, $4,000 : Family Engagement Nights with Walter P Carter Elementary/Middle School.
- Falston Presbyterian, $2,000 : To support 2 projects: Kids SOAR (expand) – monthly community engagement/service activities for children with local ministry organizations; Blessing Bus (new) – surprise appreciation for ministry staff/leadership around Harford County.
- Knox Presbyterian, $4,500 : YouSpeak – to continue this anti-bullying educational program for elementary children with the Dawson Center
- Maryland Presbyterian, $7,500 : Emergency Food Pantry – shelving, moving equipment, supplies
- St. John United, $1,000 : Bryant Woods Elementary School partnership – sports and wellness program with students and parents, includes new soccer teams and parent/teacher appreciation events.
2019 Recipients
In September, the Commission on Reconciliation issued its first ever Community Engagement Grants to six different congregations in Baltimore Presbytery. The Commission received 9 applications, for more than double the $25,000 grant pool. Commission members were truly inspired by the varied and creative ways our congregations are engaging their communities and committed to deepening those relationships. Here are the 2019 grantees:
- Dickey Memorial, $2.500 : Community engagement and discernment for the future with Dickey Hill Elementary and surrounding neighborhoods
- Faith Presbyterian, $6,000 : Partnership with Walter P. Carter Elementary School, Family Engagement Nights
- First Annapolis, $6,000 : Listening sessions and creation of pilot tutoring program
- Knox Presbyterian, $6,400 : Starting “You Speak,” a teen coping and anti-bullying program in partnership with Dawson Safe Haven Teen Center
- Maryland Presbyterian, $1,600 : Community organizing training for outreach to children and families
- St. John United, $6,000 : Expanding partnership with Bryant Woods Elementary School to start two new soccer teams, appreciation events and parenting workshops