The development and redevelopment of congregational vitality is a challenging, complex and crucial activity – and it’s clearly a calling for the Presbytery today. The Congregational Development Team provides a variety of resources that can help congregations gain fresh clarity about their calling, broaden their understanding of the communities in which they are sited, deepen their capacities to engage their communities missionally, envision change, set priorities, develop strategies and move forward. The Team seeks to help congregations of all kinds – urban, suburban and rural alike – take steps to strengthen their life and ministry.
The Team supports congregations in using MissionInsite tools. It also encourages use of the community engagement training provided through The Center. It can provide programmatic funding for new ministry initiatives and funding to help eliminate infrastructure barriers to needed ministry. The Team is also building a “toolbox” of resources that may be of benefit to congregations pursuing change. Its focus is not on supporting “ministry as usual” in congregations when that ministry is proving to be nominally effective; rather, it seeks to help congregations consider carefully how they are being called to live and serve and then take the risks and make the efforts needed for constructive changes.
For more information, contact Jennifer Barchi.
The Center
Our mission is to inspire and equip churches and individuals to engage boldly with their neighborhoods – to get involved where Christ’s love and justice are already at work.
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