Hi Folks.
The Coronavirus is making its way around the world and the media are all reporting different things. Some say stay locked behind closed doors with an abundance of hand sanitizer. Other’s say, the flu is the real killer, so worry about that. We, at the Presbytery of Baltimore office have a few simple suggestions.
- First, wash you hands! The video here will help you with that one.
- Second, if you are sick, stay home or see a doctor if you have severe viral symptoms. (call your doctor first, before visiting)
- Third, take precautions whatever that means for you especially if you are traveling or attending an event and
- fourth, use your best judgement. And if you absolutely can’t stay away from the news, then
- fifth, follow the science, not the politics!
Pray for good health, the end of this virus and above all stay well!
— Jackie
CDC Guidance for Community and Faith-Based Leaders
Pandemic Preparedness Guide released by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance