Elder Idelsy Afonso with oversight from Pastor Dalia Valdes
Founded November 13, 1929
20 participants in worship
Mission Activities:
- A noon meal to people in need twice a week
- On Saturday, many children come from the community for Bible Study, singing, games and a snack
- The women have a sewing circle that knits and crochets items for people in the community.
Members of Covenant Presbyterian Church have visited Cuba two times since Dr. Renee Mackey first went in 2011 during Encuentro. The last two times members have formed relationships with our friends in Encrucijada. On June 27, 2016 our two churches signed a formal agreement for a five year partnership. We continue to keep in contact through email and prayers. We have a Cuban worship service followed by a time of fellowship which includes Cuban food and entertainment each time a group of our members returns from Cuba.