899th Stated Meeting of Presbytery
We will meet virtually on Zoom. Details to follow, right here.
Learn more about the Presbytery’s Stated Meetings.
Proposed Amendments and Related Documents
We will vote on the final group of proposed amendments to the Book of Order. These relate to the section “Book of Discipline.” One amendment will replace the current “Book of Discipline” (BOD) with a rewritten “Church Discipline.” The other 4 amendments would amend the current BOD in the event the replacement amendment is not approved by a majority of presbyteries.
Although the amendments are pretty clear and straightforward you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with them prior to the meeting:
+ Docket for 899th Meeting
+ Draft Minutes from 898th Stated Meeting
+ Report from Committee on Nominations and Representation
+ Amendments to Be Voted on
+ Rules of Discipline Proposed Changes – Explains the process of developing the proposed “Church Discipline” and the primary changes from the old BOD
+ Proposed Church Discipline
+ Chapter 1 Old and Proposed Compared Side by Side
+ Nicole Reibe Application for Validation of Ministry
+ Nicole Reibe COM Recommendation