B-More Human Interviews
“Wealth and the Legacy of Slavery”
B’More Human Continues. October’s series will include:
+ Rae Jean Goodman, PhD (an economist who taught at USNA for 43 years, spent time in DC with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and HUD, will talk about the wealth gap (probably a graph showing it over time), causes of the wealth gap, and potential policies to modify the gap.
+ Staff from the Center discussing the process called ‘redlining,’ its history and its legacy in Baltimore..
+ Videos of two older adults’ experience with housing, employment and education during segregation
Read the NY Times Magazine’s article about the wealth gap
Today’s racial wealth gap is perhaps the most glaring legacy of American slavery and the violent economic dispossession that followed.
– Trymaine Lee, NY Times 1619 project.
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