DC Training Day Workshops
This is an annual one-day conference in Washington, DC sponsored by the national church offices. A full day of events is scheduled, but we’re going to highlight one workshop in particular:
Promoting Environmental Justice through Watershed Restoration
Watersheds are creation’s original neighborhood. We are organically connected with all those up and downstream and whose lives, like ours, depend on clean water. Larger climate issues are also impacted by the health of watersheds. Learn about the work of the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake’s work with congregations in Maryland, Virginia and DC to protect our regional watershed and help create a healthier and more just future. They will share their watershed “hub model” (One Water Partnerships ©) for connecting and engaging congregations. Participants will learn about the importance of watershed organizing to improving water quality and addressing larger issues of sustainability and justice
Rev. Mary Gaut, Deputy Stated Clerk for the Presbytery of Baltimore, former pastor of an Earth Care Congregation, former Board Chair of IPC and graduate of the GreenFaith Fellowship program.
Adrienne Knight, Member of Knox Presbyterian Church, former Moderator Baltimore Presbytery
Jodi Rose, Executive Director for Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, a faith-based non-profit organization that works with many Presbyterian congregations.
Rev. Sue Lowcock Harris, Co-Pastor First Presbyterian Church of Howard Co.