Dismantling Racism Training
We’re sorry, but this event is full, and registration has closed.
Friday, October 21 2022, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Please plan to arrive by 8:15 a.m. so we can start on time!
Grace Presbyterian Church
The Presbytery partnering with NEXT Church to lead this foundational workshop, rooted in an understanding of historical and systemic racism. It is intended to equip participants to lead and participate in constructive conversations within their congregations and the Presbytery that promote racial equity and begin dismantling racism within ourselves and our institutions.
The training is for Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders serving on the Commission on Ministry or Commission on Preparation for Ministry and Presbytery staff. It is open to others as space allows.
Meet the Facilitators
+ MaryAnn McKibben Dana
+ Larissa Kwong Abazia
Masks will be required as long as Covid rates remain high. We will have windows open and space out as much as possible. We want to do everything possible to keep each other safe. We also recommend you bring your own water bottle.
Lunch will be provided – a variety of sandwiches, salads and dessert. No other snacks will be provided. Please let Felicia Scott know if you have any dietary restrictions. You can email her at: fscott@baltimorepresbytery.org
Come with your reflections, your questions and your curiosity!
The minimum cost is $30.00. The actual cost of the training is $150 per person, including lunch. We know that not all individuals and congregations have the same resources. When you register you will be asked to choose one of the following payment levels:
+ Minimum: $30
+ Sharing cost: $75
+ Full cost: $150
+ Full cost and support for others: $200
Questions about the event? Feel free to contact: Susan Krehbiel, Social Justice Consultant,