Dismantling Racism Training
Tuesdays at 1 – 3 p.m.
September 29, October 6, 13 and 20 of 2020
Cost: $20 per person.
We have reached our limit for these sessions. Stay tuned for the next Dismantling Racism series.
The Dismantling Racism training is moving on-line! This 8-hour training led by Baltimore Racial Justice Action (BRJA) and members of the Presbytery’s Dismantling Racism Team. The training is rooted in an understanding of historical & systemic racism and is intended to equip participants to lead and participate in constructive conversations within their congregations and the Presbytery that promote racial equity and begin dismantling racism within ourselves and our institutions.
The training is for Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders required under Presbytery policy and open to others as space allows. As we move to the on-line format, we are organizing classes in affinity groups by race. For this Fall training, therefore, we encourage people who consider themselves White or European-American or of European origin to attend. We will hold a workshop for participants of color in 2021.
As BRJA notes:
Racism impacts peoples of color and white people differently. Therefore, we need to have different conversations and we have different work to do. Affinity groups by race should be a place:
+ to learn what we need to know for OUR work;
+ to strategize for OUR work;
+ to share successes and challenges in doing OUR work;
+ to support one another in doing OUR work.
Questions about the event? Feel free to contact: Susan Krehbiel, Social Justice Consultant, skrehbiel@baltimorepresbytery.org