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Healthy Boundaries Training

Healthy Boundaries Training – Tuesday

The Commission on Ministry is offering Healthy Boundaries Training on Tuesday, October 15th (or Saturday, October 12) from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. This is a required training for new pastors in the presbytery, and shall be taken as a refresher course every 36 months for all Teaching Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Inquirers, and Certified Christian Educators who are members of the Presbytery of Baltimore. Per G-3.01016, this training is also required for the members of all councils every thirty-six months.  The class will be facilitated by Laura Hollister and Carol Kefford.

The purpose of the spiritually-based “Healthy Boundaries” program is:

+ To increase awareness of the need for healthy and appropriate boundaries in the clergy/congregant or spiritual teacher/student relationship,
+ To illustrate the impact of appropriate vs. inappropriate boundaries in promoting effective ministry,
+ To provide clergy and spiritual teachers/leaders with guidelines and suggestions for developing appropriate boundaries and necessary self-care strategies.

If any questions, please contact Laura Hollister at


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Oct 15 2024


9:00 am - 2:30 pm