International Peacemaker Lunch
Jaff Bamenjo is the Coordinator of RELUFA, the Network for the Fight Against Hunger, which is a partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Everyone is welcome to come and hear first hand about how RELUFA is working to address the root causes of hunger and poverty, the recruitment of young people by the Boko Haram insurgency in Northern Cameroon and the ongoing conflict in the Anglophone part of Cameroon which has caused widespread displacement.
RSVP to: office@baltimorepresbytery.org
Jaff Napoleon Bamenjo serves as the Coordinator of RELUFA, the Network for the Fight Against Hunger, a Joining Hands partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program in Cameroon. Jaff coordinates the advocacy campaigns on land and food justice and transparency in the extractive industries. Jaff started working with RELUFA in 2009 as program assistant and in 2011 was promoted as the Coordinator of the network. He will be speaking about the work of RELUFA to address the root causes of poverty and hunger, the recruitment of young people by the Boko Haram insurgency in Northern Cameroon and the ongoing conflict in the Anglophone part of Cameroon, a conflict that has also affected neighboring countries like Nigeria. These conflicts have caused internal displacement and pose a great challenge to peace and security in the country. “Christians have fled into the bush and to neighboring states, and churches are now empty,” Jaff writes. He holds a Masters degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague, the Netherlands where he majored in the Politics of Alternative Development, and a Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Yaounde II in Cameroon.
In the News: Newly commissioned, international peacemakers ready to share their stories, September 11, 2019
Jeff Bamenjo’s Itinerary (pdf)