Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. Spoken Word Contest
Please join the In the Loop Ministry Group, of the Presbytery of Baltimore, for its B’more Human event, The 2nd Annual ITL Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Spoken Word Contest and Program, on Monday, January 18, 2021 at 1:00 pm. You will be informed by contest participants’ spoken word submissions on “This Time in History: My Story,” where 4th through 12th graders will share how news and actions surrounding COVID, social injustice, and national political events have impacted their impacted their lives. They ware invited to speak to what they will tell their children, someday.
We will also hear from two people who experienced the Civil Rights Movement first- hand—marching, and working for the cause. The Rev. Dr. Bettina Scott and Mr George E. White will share their lived experiences.