- Advocacy resources from the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness Legislative Action Center
- “Holy Discontentment: Lifting Your Voice for Effective Advocacy”
- Advocate for eco-justice through various campaigns at Creation Justice Ministries
- Advocate for sustainable food policies through the Presbyterian Hunger Program
- Web of Creation “Public Ministry and Political Advocacy Action Plan”
Sustainable food practices
- Become involved in direct farm marketing or other sustainable food practices at your church. Use GreenFaith’s “Repairing Eden” for ideas.
- Organize a community garden.
- Participate in the Food Week of Action and World Food Day.
General resources and suggestions for outreach
- Visit urban parks and nature centers.
- Organize an eco-justice tour of your community to explore blighted areas and work with justice leaders on these issues.
- Write a letter to the editor or an op-ed.
- Donate used materials instead of throwing them away.
- Habitat for Humanity Restore collects reusable and surplus building materials.
- Become a group member of Presbyterians for Earth Care.
- Share, speak with, or teach at another congregation, to encourage their Earth Care activities.
- Sponsor an e-trash recycling day for the community.
- Share or rent office space within the church with local nonprofit groups to reduce the building footprint.
- Purchase Sweat-Free clothing (no sweat-shop labor used).
- Include environmental action and education in your church mission trips, domestic and abroad.
- Network with other houses of worship and organizations in your area that are active in earth care.
- Share the Earth Care Congregations program by connecting with other congregations in your presbytery and/or by hosting informational tables and sessions at presbytery events.
- Contact the Presbyterians for Earth Care Regional Representative for your area to learn about opportunities to be involved in earth care.
The preceding tips and resources were derived from PC(USA)’s
Earth Care Congregations
2018 Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches.