Choose Insanity
In 2017 Howard County Maryland mailed out bumper stickers that read “Choose Civility,” as a response to behaviors emerging across the country. The other day, I saw one that read “Choose Insanity!”
After I nearly wrecked my car laughing, I thought about the deep social and theological significance of these words and would like to share my insights with you.

First, this bumper sticker is most appropriate for the Christmas Season, assisted by retailers and the media alike. I started feeling anxious and didn’t even shop on Black Friday! And if you don’t want to get up at 3 am to trample your neighbors in a store, you can give yourself eye strain ordering online! The purpose of encouraging such madness is really unknown, other than to “hurry up and run Christmas.”
Second, however is even more appropriate. Think about it. This season, as the story goes, is the celebration of a child of a virgin who was born in a barn in the Middle East surrounded by supernatural beings in concert, animals and farm hands. Three years later the supernova that exploded over said barn was still visible to “wise men” who brought a bounty of gifts costing more than most of our mortgages combined. Then this same child, dies, comes back to life and floats up to the sky thirty some years later. That, ladies and gentlemen, is insane and yet marvelous!
So if you choose insanity, make it count for something that is wonderful, redemptive and life changing for you, your family and the entire world.
Happy Advent!
– Jackie