From the General Presbyter

This midweek is dedicated to the “shout out!” First to the members of the Presbytery of Baltimore, you all are amazing. When we found out we were not hosting General Assembly live, you showed up and stepped up. Worship was inspiring, folks appreciated the prayer notes, videos were well done, Youth Rising was a success, the Center’s program was wonderful, commissioners participated and the staff worked diligently behind the scenes! Thank you, COLA Team, who is still on the job managing money, sending out commissioner gifts, and more!
Also, we are saying farewell to Debbie Schmidt, our Associate for Spiritual Leader Development. We will run a longer piece in the Tidings, but I have to say Debbie has been a real gift to the Presbytery and we will miss her! Susan Krehbiel is cutting back her hours. She didn’t miss a beat when she assumed some of the duties of the Associate for Reconciliation.
Lastly, congregations have been sharing their regathering plans and I have to say, we’ve got some thoughtful, well organized, careful leaders in this Presbytery! Please continue to be responsible and mindful as you regather, making sure everything is in place to keep one another safe, especially your worship leaders!
I am bursting with pride and share with anyone who will listen, how fantastic you all are!!!
– Jackie