From the General Presbyter
“Well, it’s just my imagination, running away with me.”
– The Temptations
So how was your summer? Some might say, “what summer?” I have a colleague who describes this period as “one long sick day.” In some ways, it still is. Even though the Governor is easing some more restrictions put in place because of COVID-19, we still have to remain vigilant in mask wearing, social distancing and hand hygiene. Tired of hearing that? Sorry, but the virus is taking 1000 people a day across our nation, so it bears repeating.
We are moving into the fall season and many congregations are not regathering and many members in “regathered” churches will not be attending in person worship. This provides an opportunity for the “imagination” portion of our ordination vows to take front and center. The word comes from Latin imaginari “to form a mental picture, to form an image of, or represent from an image, a likeness.”
We are so used to planning the logistical aspects of worship and Bible Study that we don’t always remember how to daydream. This daydream is not limited to how we want things to run on Sunday, but how we want the church to be together. How do we want to include those watching from home? How do we want to engage our community this fall as unemployment is still high? How do we want to discuss the tough issues of our day? How do we want to stay connected through our Facebook pages, websites, etc? Do we need to redo our website, even? What’s an innovative way to celebrate Thanksgiving? Who is homebound that can start a prayer chain?
The grief of an altered fall and holiday season is already established. Where can we find the joy?
– Jackie