From the General Presbyter
Sometimes other people say it better!
“It is a commonplace remark that our lives are surrounded with so much movement, so many pressures, so many demands that our spirits are often crowded into a corner. As soon as we awaken in the morning we are taken over by the ruthlessness of our daily routine.
In some important ways this is good. It means that there is a regularity and a structure to our days that make it possible for to accomplish tasks which would be impossible otherwise.
But there is another aspect…an oppressive aspect. We are made prisoner by timetables. Within ourselves we develop an inner sense of rush and haste.
It takes time to cultivate the mind, it takes time grow in wisdom, it takes time to savor the qualities of living, it takes time to walk with God.
Forsake us not in the tempests of our daily activities, O our {Creator}, but tutor our minds and spirits in the tranquilities that deep within, we may be still and know that Thou art God.”
– Howard Thurman, African American theologian. Excerpts are from the book The Growing Edge, Part Three – Concerning God, 1956.