From the General Presbyter
I was driving behind a truck whose tag line was “growth through extraordinary customer service.” Oh, if it were only that simple. I believe many members of churches feel they are getting good “service” from the pastor, members, fellowship, music, education, etc. On the other hand, we don’t like to look at the life of faith and the community of faith as a “business.” However, the above mentioned could be considered “products” to “consumers.”
Obviously folks were excited on that Easter morning to discover that the promise Jesus made to rise from death actually happened. He did what he said he was going to do and people followed! Two thousand plus years later, we are still believing it, though our definition of “growth” is changing. More on that in another Midweek.
It is my sincere hope that the Presbytery of Baltimore is providing “extraordinary customer service” to our congregations and leaders. I hope you are reading the Tidings and not just skimming the headlines; there is much going on! I would like you to see your Presbytery as more than an institution, but a living breathing community of faith, following the Risen Christ and sharing that good news with others. And I pray we are doing what our vision proclaims “encourage, challenge and equip!” If our product is the good news, then we all should be good advertisers, churches and presbyteries alike.
Blessings this Easter time!
– Jackie