From the General Presbyter
A colleague recently shared something she heard, that went something like this: “COVID has provided an off ramp for church goers.” Yes, yes it has. And many of you are frustrated that attendance is down, sometimes, way down.

I have total respect for those who do not feel safe in large gatherings due to the virus. Even the vaccinated have tested positive. But what about those of us that dine at restaurants, attend parties, go to Pilates class and travel – yet log in to worship on Sundays? What does that mean?
Now, work with me here. I am a church attender, appreciate the wonderful worship in our churches (we have some great preachers!), an extrovert, and love getting together with folks! However, and I mean no disrespect, when I returned to in person worship, the only thing different about the experience was the camera!
For some, that’s just fine. They are just glad to be “back.” But for others……? Something to think about….
– Jackie