From the General Presbyter
“As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine…”
– Ephesians 4: 14a NASV
Lisa Lai, an Executive Coach wrote a piece for the Harvard Business Review on the topic of Strategic Ambiguity. Symptoms include the constant changing of strategies, goals, processes, or frustration when the strategy and the direction are not clear.
The results include, apoplexy, the rise of personal agendas, going backwards and perseverating. Sound familiar? Now those results can occur when there is a clear purpose, but it is exacerbated by the fuzziness of many strategic initiatives.
Let me go on the record. The Presbytery of Baltimore exists to encourage, challenge, support and equip our leaders and congregations. What may not be fully known is every single mechanism to make this happen and rightly so – our vision is ongoing by empowering, engaging, embodying. Further, we are adapting, growing, experimenting, and learning. So are you.
This season, I am focusing on how our Presbytery equips. We equip through the Book of Order mandated and highlighted actions of a presbytery through our Commissions on Ministry and Preparation for Ministry. We equip through our Commission sponsored workshops, legal seminars, grant funding, Ministry Group events and the Tidings. We also equip though our Dismantling Racism team, Property and Loan committee and staff engagement. Those are just a few ways.
More important: we equip by your participation in the life of your congregation and the Presbytery. You are the equipment, your knowledge, experience, passion and giftedness are important and needed in the body of Christ, especially now that we are in a new age. What do you or your church need to fulfill your calling? Tell us! And then how can you equip someone else?
– Jackie