The Mountain Maryland Ministry Group connects with seven churches located in seven different cities. We are: Barrelville, First of Cumberland, Emmitsburg, First of Frostburg, Hagerstown, Hancock, and St. Andrew (Williamsport). We meet for lunch from 11-1 pm multiple times throughout the year.

We are committed to supporting one another in our Shared Ministry, living out the five Ministry Group outcomes:
- Missional engagement with the community
- Congregational development
- Christian formation and leadership development
- Prophetic witness and action for reconciliation
- Forming of new faith communities

One of our churches are involved in the Baltimore Presbytery Partnership with Dakota Learning Camps. Several prepare items for Micah’s Backback, prepare weekly meals in a church Soup Kitchen, and reach out to needy children and families. The MG helped start Martha’s House in Hancock, an Interfaith Service Coalition (ISC) initiative, to provide a safe place for children and their families where they receive a meal and share in family activities.
Please pray for our churches that they may thrive spiritually as they reach out to their communities.
Missional Activities Examples
The mission of Barrelville is far-reaching – their work is based locally but extends far beyond their walls. Their church recently underwent a full reconstruction to fix a sagging roof! It looks great!
First of Cumberland

The partnership between Cumberland and Cedar Church, a Native American Presbyterian Church, was initiated in 2010. The mission is to provide basic educational opportunities for one week annually as a way to encourage the students to return to school in the fall with a renewed interest in learning. They travel to South Dakota not just to teach but to learn about a culture and lifestyle different from their own. The MG helps with lodging and transportation of equipment between the churches.
Cumberland is also deeply committed to connecting to the community and is working hard to open Cumberland Community Cafe – the first not-for-profit restaurant to be opened in the state of Maryland!
The members provide meals for the homeless, families and Sr. Citizens every Wednesday out of their kitchen. The MD funds assist the congregation in caring for more people than in the past.

They use MG funds for Micah’s Backpack and Martha’s House Ministries. They pack bags for 50 backpacks on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the academic year. Now they can add nutritional fresh fruit items to the backpacks and boxed milk when supplies run low.
The MG helped begin a ministry to children and their families in town. They joined with the Hancock Interfaith Service Coalition to open this ministry last year. This ministry would not be possible without the financial support of the MG.
St. Andrew (Williamsport)
The MG assists the congregation in a Christmas Party for kids in need in the community. Last year they provided a hot meal, gifts for the children, and a gift card to a local grocery store for 10 families. They also shared in events and crafts.