The Commission on Preparation for Ministry is seeking Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders who are interested in serving as Ordination Exam Readers during the week of May 3-7, 2021. Baltimore Presbytery has been requested to provide 2 ruling elders, and 2 teaching elders, and 1 alternate reader.
Serving as an Ordination Exam Reader is a significant service to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Ordination examinations play a crucial role in the discernment and preparation of future teaching elders for the church. This program is dependent upon gifted and committed readers who provide the evaluations of this work done by our candidates.
What being a reader entails
In the week before reading begins, the Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates (PCC) provides both general materials about the reading process and specific resources for the exam area each reader will evaluate. It is important to read these materials before the evaluation week begins. Exam readers are asked to commit to 10-12 hours evaluating exams during the reading period (frontloading your time in the first few days of the week as much as possible). All reader training and exam evaluation is done completely online, so you will need to have reliable Internet access and basic familiarity with using websites.
If you are interested in serving as an exam reader, or would like more information, please contact Leslie Owsley, CPM Co-Chair, at by January 31, 2021.