All of the Presbytery’s congregations and fellowships need a solid stewardship base to thrive. “Those who follow the discipline of Christian stewardship will find themselves called to lives of simplicity, generosity, honesty, hospitality, compassion, receptivity, and concern for the earth and God’s creatures. (BoO: W3.0411, W5 0103, W5.0305). Currently, the Stewardship Support Team, under the aegis of the Commission on Thriving Congregations, seeks to help congregational leaders learn and utilize sound stewardship practice. The Team offers a stewardship bibliography, workshops, consultations and resources provided by its national affiliate, The Presbyterian Foundation of the Presbyterian Church USA.
Since 1799, The Presbyterian Foundation has helped member churches raise and steward the funds they need for the mission God calls them to do. Below are just a few of the many stewardship resources available.
For additional support, contact Michele Ward at or call the Presbyterian Foundation’s Regional Ministry Relations Officer, Olanda Carr at l.888.711.1318.
Stewardship Resources
Planning, Ideas, and Case Studies
Stewardship Ministry: This e-newsletter offers ideas, case studies, best practices and resources to enhance your stewardship and generosity program. Great for pastors, session and stewardship committees. To receive the mailing email:
Stewardship Manual: This manual, with special emphasis on the annual financial stewardship program,will help pastors, sessions, and stewardship committees as they plan for the financial health of the congregation.
The Cornerstone: This is a quarterly newsletter with helpful articles and resources to help create cultures of generosity. From online giving to endowment funds,there are a range of options available for members to give to mission and ministries throughout the church and beyond.
Online Resources
The Ministry Toolbox: The Toolbox was created with your ministry in mind. Browse through articles,bulletin inserts, leadership guides,and more to create a program for your congregation.
Financial Health Assessment: This assessment tool from the Presbyterian Foundation will help analyze your responses to a short series of questions,along with previously published data from your congregation and a group of your peers. You will be provided with detailed report noting both successes and areas for improvement,along with links to helpful resources to get you on your way.
The Presbyterian Mission Exchange: The Foundation can help expand your gifts and make online stewardship the easy choice for your ministry and your community.Explore the benefits of joining the Presbyterian Mission Exchange to promote your ministry.
Themed Stewardship and Wills Resources
Giving Magazine: This magazine has become a premier stewardship resource for churches and denominations throughout North America. Each magazine is packed with resources to support stewardship in the local church. Articles explore the intersection of faith and giving,offer practical information on Christian stewardship for all generations, and critique the newest resources on stewardship
Live Forward, Give Forward:This resource will help church members catch the vision and understand the power of wills and bequests. Invite people into the conversation and see what happens!
Training and Conferences
Stewardship Kaleidoscope: Make stewardship a vibrant ministry with this helpful resources from Kaliedoscope that will help you teach, preach and develop a culture of generosity in your congregation. You will enjoy the insights from plenary leaders, and workshops on a variety of topics related to stewardship offering you opportunities for dialogue with leaders and participants.
Culture of Generosity: The Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions collaborated to create an interactive seminar designed to help you move your church from conducting a traditional stewardship campaign to building a year-round, spiritually based culture of generosity. From this seminar a series of short training videos were created and are available online for you to view with your congregation.
Personal Consultation
Ministry Relations Officers: Partner with your Ministry Relations Officer (MRO) to increase funding for your ministry, help you create a culture of generosity and assist your members in making a gift to create a legacy. Contact your regional Ministry Relations Officer or call 800.858.6127.