An online Grant Inquiry Orientation Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th, at 7:00 pm. REGISTER More information on Community Engagement Grants
Thriving Congregations Meeting
There will be a Thriving Congregations Meeting on June 27 at 6:30 pm to ask any additional questions that weren’t covered in the grants webinar.
The Durr Fund
For Congregational Events Supporting Environmental Stewardship and Interfaith Relations Rev. Dr. William Theodore (Ted) Durr, was a minister member of Baltimore Presbytery prior to his death on Christmas Eve 2022. He was the founding pastor of Perry Hall Presbyterian Church in 1957 and served 13 churches in the Presbytery as an Interim or Temporary Pastor […]
2023 Community Engagement Grants Orientation Session
This Orientation Session will be held on April 18th. All potential awardees must be in attendance to learn the rules. All applications must be submitted through the electronic portal. Members of Presbytery will help any group with submitting the application. There will be no exceptions Learn more about Community Engagement Grants REGISTER
Thriving Congregations Technology Grant
The Commission on Thriving Congregations has announced the formation and availability of modest grants for COVID-19 related technology expenses encumbered by congregations seeking to develop and expand their electronic outreach. Up to $250/congregation for hardware/software (including subscriptions for apps such as Zoom) related to maintaining the worship, community, formation, and outreach of the church. The […]
YouSPEAK Anti-Bullying After School Program
Knox Presbyterian Church was awarded a 2019 Community Engagement Grant through the Commission on Reconciliation. Sarah Walker and Charese Jordan Moore worked with Gail Danik of the Dawson Safe Haven Center (named for the Dawson family whose home was firebombed as retaliation for reporting drug activity) to plan the YouSPEAK after school program in response […]