884th Gathering: September 2019
The 884th Gathering of the Presbytery of Baltimore takes place Thursday, September 12, 2019, from 9 a.m. (Registration begins) till 3:30 pm, at St. John United Church in the Interfaith Center at 10431 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia, MD. The meeting will begin with worship and will include the Installation of Moderator Guy Moody and Vice-Moderator Michael Moore and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. We will then turn to a time for learning and discussion about one of the Presbytery’s most successful mission activities, The Center. Discernment and Decisions will include approving the COLA increase for pastors for the next year, the first reading of the 2020 budget, and approval of several important changes in the Presbytery manual.
Parking is on Trumpeter Road. Childcare will be provided.
Documents for Discussion
+ Overview
+ Docket
+ Letter from the Moderator
+ The Center 2018 Annual Report
+ Proposed Changes to Manual
+ Proposed 2020 Budget
+ 2019 Report to Synod Signed
+ 2019 Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Committee on Representation Report Tally Sheet
+ Report of the Administrative Commission for the Taneytown Presbyterian Church
Please download to your computer and PRINT AND BRING YOUR OWN COPIES. We will NOT provide paper copies for Commissioners. WIFI will be available, but it may be a challenge if everyone tries to access meeting papers electronically during the meeting. Thank you.