Personnel Committees: Why to Have One and Best Practices for One
Personnel Committees can be a team you don’t realize you need until you’re in a tight spot. Larger churches often have them to manage a large staff group. Smaller churches struggle to have one that is different from the Session because it’s hard to get volunteers. Yet when issues arise and for good regular processes, a Personnel Committee, even if it’s 3 people, can be really valuable! The Commissions on Ministry and Spiritual Leader Development are co-hosting a workshop for pastors, elders, and members of Personnel Committees on Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 7 pm. It will have a panel of people sharing their wisdom about why having a Personnel Committee is important and what some of the best practices are for Personnel Committees. Then the panel will take questions and facilitate discussion! We expect other workshops to come from this one, including one that uses role play to show how to do an effective annual review of staff members. Bring your questions and suggestions, and share with those in your church who might want or need to attend!