“Living into Matthew 25”
The Summit is sponsored by the Presbytery of Baltimore and organized in partnership with the Dismantling Racism Team of National Capital Presbytery
October 26, 2024 9 am – 4 pm
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County
Columbia, Maryland
Join us for a transformative gathering that merges inspiration with action: Explore how Matthew 25 congregations and partners are living into Matthew 25 through innovation, empowerment and change: At the heart of the Matthew 25 movement lies a powerful ethos – a call to make a meaningful impact on the world around us.
The Summit will include a morning plenary featuring Rev. Jeramine Ross-Allam (PCUSA Center on the Repair of Historic Harms) and an afternoon plenary with Amanda Tyler (Baptist Joint Commission) on “Ending Christian Nationalism.”
Workshops |
Matthew 25: Seeing Jesus in the Least of These | ✓ | |
How to Get Started with Matthew 25 | ✓ | ✓ |
How to Write an Anti-Racism Policy | ✓ | ✓ |
Creating a Culture of Repair: Taking Action On The Road To Reparations | ✓ | |
Poverty 101 | ✓ | |
Caring for God’s Creation: Ecological Justice and Matthew 25 | ✓ | |
Navigating Brave Conversations | ✓ | |
Will We Always Have the Poor? Responding Faithfully to End Poverty | ✓ | |
Taking Care of Ourselves as We Work for Justice (BIPOC) | ✓ | |
Taking Care of Ourselves as We Work for Justice (White People) | ✓ |
Matthew 25: Seeing Jesus in the Least of These
An introduction to the basics of Matthew 25. A panel of leaders currently engaged in the movement will explain the three foci of Matthew 25, and the intersecting priorities. There will be opportunities to ask questions, interact with presenters, and hear both success stories and challenges. Resources based on Matthew 25:31-46 will be introduced and available.
How to Get Started with Matthew 25
This workshop will help equip attendees to begin their work as Matthew 25 congregations with a special focus on congregational vitality and racial justice and healing. This is not about a single checklist, but more a process for how congregations can discern where they are and what is needed in their communities as the congregations seek to live into the vision of Matthew 25. We’ll share some resources, ideas and examples to help support congregations on this journey.
Navigating Brave Conversations
Have you ever started a meeting or dialogue on a topic that took a sudden turn, perhaps emotions got a little hot, and it didn’t go as planned? From talking about dismantling racism to changing the carpet in the sanctuary, emotions can rise. Come to learn and share some tools for navigating “hot button” conversations. Bring your experiences and questions to share.
How to Write an Anti-Racism Policy
In 2022 General Assembly approved an amendment to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) constitution that requires each council of the church (including sessions of congregations and mid councils) to adopt and implement an anti-racism policy. Are you wondering what should be in your policy? It’s not one size fits all. This workshop will provide guidelines and tools to help write a policy that fits your congregation’s commitment and context.
Poverty 101
Description coming soon.
Creating a Culture of Repair: Taking Action On The Road To Reparations
A closer look at Repair of Historic Harm. If we accept that reparations are “right, necessary, and very possible,” how can people of faith and congregations lead the way? Our speakers will share information about national efforts, as well as actionable steps that we can take locally on the road to repair and healing.
Caring for God’s Creation: Ecological Justice and Matthew 25
Taking action on climate change is a key priority of the Matthew 25 initiative. This workshop will examine the theological basis for addressing climate change, examine how the environmental impacts of climate change most affect the least of these, and offer ideas and tools for how our congregations can most effectively mobilize to care for God’s creation.
Will We Always Have the Poor? Responding Faithfully to End Poverty
There are 140 million poor and low-income people in the United States today. How do we move from feeling overwhelmed and stuck by this reality into movements to end economic inequality? Leaders from The Kairos Center will explore what the Bible and our faith traditions really say about poverty and justice as we learn from examples of poor and low-income communities organizing for change. Learn about local and national efforts to end structural poverty in the U.S and explore how your congregation could engage in this work.
Taking Care of Ourselves as We Work for Justice (BIPOC session)
This workshop will be a safe space for people of color to name the challenges of working for justice (i.e. microaggressions, racial trauma, burnout, etc.). We will identify resources and techniques to help address these challenges and support and encourage people to continue the work for justice over the long haul.
Taking Care of Ourselves as We Work for Justice (White People)
This workshop will be a safe space for white people to name the challenges of working for justice. We will identify resources and techniques to help address these challenges and support and encourage people to continue the work for justice over the long haul.
Full participation in the Matthew 25 Mid-Atlantic Summit will meet the POB Dismantling Racism training requirement.
Photographs and Videos
We will have photographers and videographers from the National PCUSA communications team documenting the Matthew 25 Mid-Atlantic Summit. We will be using these materials to encourage others to be engaged in the work of the Matthew 25 initiative of the PC(USA). By registering for this summit, you agree to this documentation and use of the materials. If you have any concerns about photography and videography, please contact Charese Jordan Moore at office@baltimorepresbytery.org.
Step 1: Registration
Registration Deadline is October 15, 2024
Step 2: Payment and Costs
Thanks to the financial support from Presbytery of Baltimore, the Dismantling Racism Team of National Capital Presbytery and the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, we are able to offer the Summit at an affordable rate for most.
Why tiered pricing? We recognize the disproportionate access to funds across the Church and offer tiered pricing based on this access. The sponsorship rate will help to support the summit and allow more people to attend.
Limited scholarships are available. For information, please email office@baltimorepresbytery.org
Please follow this link to our online payment portal
to remit payment and complete your registration.