From the General Presbyter
Just returned from the Stewardship Kaleidoscope conference in Portland, Oregon. A good time was had by all, and I have asked Frank to create a Stewardship Resources page on the website where I will deposit some helpful and interesting resources from the conference.

The first plenary was a panel discussion from New Worshipping Community pastors, both Presbyterian and Lutheran (a co-sponsor of the event). This part provided an opportunity for our under 50 pastors to talk about their journeys and learnings as they started their ministries. The most valuable part of the time spent with them were their answers which I have turned into “quotes.” I hope these will inspire your ministry – call them “food for thought” – not only during stewardship season but through the church year. Some of these are annotated for context.
“The hope (we have as people of faith) begins when you show up.”
– Katey Steinberg (Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian of Daytona Beach, FL)
“Just because you are uncomfortable (with change) doesn’t mean you are not safe.”
– Emily Norris (Lead Pastor and Founding Developer, The Dwelling in Winston-Salem, NC)
“I wish I had learned before I got into leadership, that I can’t make everybody happy.”
– Kevin Riley (Co-Pastor, Mount Baker Presbyterian in Concrete, WA)
“(Relating to church programming) ….there is a difference between ‘somebody should do this’ and ‘I feel called to do this.’”
– Katey Steinberg
“(Talking about himself)…imagine if a person (like me) who struggled with addiction, incarceration and homeless – can lead a faith community…. Imagine what you (as a leader) can do.”
– Kevin Riley
Imagine what you can do…
– Jackie