The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You Summer Series
From the General Presbyter
The Cabinet started devising this plan in 2022 which starts with identifying our core values. The first value is “Promoting Justice.”

Merriam Webster defines “just” as acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.
Justice rarely exists outside of our relationship with others. Unfortunately, the word justice has been hijacked and used by some folks to exclusively point to poverty, race relations and political ideology. That is narrow minded. When you think that way, you excuse yourself from dealing with the realities of the lives of other people therefore relegating folks to the category of “other.” I think it fair to say, that everybody wants justice. That’s why you cannot assign it to one political party, group or demographic.
And that is why it is a core value of the Presbytery of Baltimore.
The justice we want to promote is found in the scriptures.
“How blessed are those who maintain justice, who practice righteousness at all times!”
Psalm 106:3. NASB
“Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to God.”
Deuteronomy 1:17 NIV
Simply put, do the right thing, or at least strive to do the right thing. How do you want to be treated? Do you want your needs met? Do you want you and yours to be secure, safe, well fed and happy? Then extend that to others. And then promote behavior, and systems that do the same! As a community of the faithful, we are in a unique position to model justice to a conflicted world. Our relationships in the Presbytery of Baltimore are a good starting place!
– Jackie