Summer Series: The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You
From the General Presbyter
I recently heard an expression, “shop your closet.” The article reminded people that perfectly good clothing and accessories are tucked away and ready to wear. I know this because there are times when I do a clean out and exclaim, “Oh, I didn’t know I had this. I’m wearing it tomorrow!” So, let’s shop our closet and identify the strategic priorities and how the Presbytery of Baltimore is already living them out.
1. Strong, sustainable, resourced congregations
- Workshops with our attorneys
- Enduring Witness grants and scholarships for young and old
- Commission on Ministry (COM) liaison for pastoral searches
- Assessment tools like Holy Cow and Mission Insite
- Administrative Presbytery staff support
2. An inclusive, just organization where all have equal voice and access
- Dismantling racism workshops
- Book studies
- Ministry Group funding for contextual ministry
- Diversity on commissions and committees
3. An energized, adaptive Presbytery ready to witness the movement of the Spirit
- Support for Communidad Presbiteriana La Trinidad and SLATE Project
- Increased Enduring Witness funding for community engagement
- Church activities and advocacy featured in Tidings
4. Healthy pastors with resources for spiritual, mental and emotional health
- Coaching and educational scholarships
- Family leave policy expansion
- Support and visits from General Presbyter and Associate staff
- Administrative leave policy with grant support for pulpit supply
5. A culture of coaching and learning for clergy and lay leaders
- Spiritual Leader Development workshop on suicide prevention
- Thriving Congregations workshop on evangelism
- Stated Clerk records review and training
Needless to say, there are new things that can be added and some initiatives, perhaps reimagined, but we are on our way. Next column, we will look at our Vision.
– Jackie