From the General Presbyter
“God is on our”
Happy Black History Month! The verse above is from the civil rights anthem “We Shall Overcome” sung in many congregations during the month of February.

I lift up this particular verse because it speaks of the audacity of Black Americans who claim their cause of securing equity, fairness, and justice was the will of God. This means the bigotry, hatred, violence, tyranny and ignorance demonstrated in the laws, attitudes and behaviors sparked by the Jim Crow era were not only wrong, but in no way represented God’s desire for humanity and God’s love.
Starting before the end of slavery, it was evident that Black folks needed no expensive theological education to understand and assert how they were being regarded and treated was simply not representative of Jesus’ commandments in the Biblical narrative. Those beliefs and truths were then proclaimed from the pulpit to the streets, to the bus companies to the voting booth.
Once again, siblings and allies, we find ourselves faced with a 2025 version of biblical misinterpretation as we hear news of unlawful threats of firing government workers because of a rejection of the value of diversity. We watch as individuals who look like they were not born in the United States – almost always persons of color – are considered “suspected” criminals.
As a Matthew 25 presbytery and as fellow human beings created in the imago Dei, we are required to denounce and reject any ideology that has racism, bigotry, and scapegoating as its fundamental foundation. If you are not convinced, read Matthew 25 and take your cues from the one who came to save us from ourselves. Then allow the peace of Christ to lead us toward a more perfect union with a steady hand, steadfast faith and a rugged determination toward justice and joy.
God is on our side!
– Jackie