The 906th Stated Meeting of Presbytery is Thursday, March 13th, at 10 am. It will be online only. Stay tuned, right here, for forthcoming docket and meeting papers. REGISTER

Encouraging, challenging and equipping congregations to thrive spiritually and be apostles for reconciliation
Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. While awaiting the blessed arrival of Christ during the Advent Season, the Christian Educators of the Baltimore Presbytery invite every household in the Presbytery to take part in our Advent Luminaria Devotional. Download the devotional and promotional flyer below. We ask that churches provide each family in your congregation with […]
Registration for the 889th Gatherings is now open. You will be asked to enter your congregation and then to choose your “role” as a participant. The categories correspond to those on the old paper roll sheets from our in-person meetings. You may only choose one. If you are the elder commissioner from your church choose […]