889th Gathering
Registration for the 889th Gatherings is now open.
You will be asked to enter your congregation and then to choose your “role” as a participant. The categories correspond to those on the old paper roll sheets from our in-person meetings. You may only choose one. If you are the elder commissioner from your church choose that category, even if you also fit in another (such as former RE moderator or a member of a commission). If you have questions please contact Stated Clerk Mary Gaut.
Gathering Speaker
We are pleased to host Dr. William Yoo, as our November Gathering speaker.
William Yoo is Associate Professor of American Religious and Cultural History and Director of the Master of Divinity Program at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is the author of two books, American Missionaries, Korean Protestants, and the Changing Shape of World Christianity and The Presbyterian Experience in the United States: A Sourcebook, and is currently working on a book project that traces the history of Presbyterians in the United States.
+ More about Dr. William Yoo (pdf)
Gathering Documents (pdf)
+ Docket for 889th Gathering
+ Gathering via Zoom Guidelines
+ Morning Prayer
+ Minutes of the 888th Gathering of the Presbytery of Baltimore
+ Baltimore Presbytery Policy on Pastoral Compensation
+ Proposed Amendment to Administrative Leave Policy
+ Trustees of Baltimore Presbytery Report
+ Validated Ministries List 2021
+ 2021 Budget Payroll
+ Report on Dismantling Racism Trainings in the Presbytery of Baltimore
+ Presbytery of Baltimore Policy on Mandatory Dismantling Racism Training
+ Dismantling Racism Training Medium/Long-Term Follow-Up Survey
+ Faith Statement for McKenna Lewellen
+ UMD Medical Center Job Description: MC Staff Chaplain
+ Nomination Suggestions Survey (webpage)
+ New Business