890th Gathering
The next Gathering of the Presbytery of Baltimore is scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 2021, from 10 am – 12 pm.
At 10 am, the Gathering will include worship/communion/necrology, approval of budget, stated clerk election, and other business TBA. Note that online Gatherings will be condensed for time. The business meeting will be followed by smaller break-outs at noon to meet and greet one another, and engage in more intimate fellowship. Stay tuned for updates and specifics right here.
Documents for Review
+ Docket for 890th Gathering
+ Minutes from 889th Gathering
+ Worship: A Service of Gratitude and Hope
+ Necrology List
+ 2021 Proposed Budget
+ Stated Clerk Nominating Committee Final Report
+ Spiritual Leader Development Report
+ Dismantling Racism Continuing Education and Experiential Learning
+ Commission on Reconciliation Report
+ Application for Validation of Ministry: McKenna Lewellin
For those joining us for the first time, or those who’d like a refresher, here is a video detailing how you may participate in Presbytery of Baltimore Gatherings:
The “Raise Hand” feature has moved… It can be now be found under the “Reactions” button, on the lower right side of the Zoom interface.