Summer Series: The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You From the General Presbyter Empowering leaders, Engaging churches, Embodying justice and inclusivity in the name of Christ. The “E” words in this vision statement represent a state of being as well as action steps. The “ing” at the end of the words promotes an ongoing commitment […]
Strategic Priorities
Summer Series: The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You From the General Presbyter I recently heard an expression, “shop your closet.” The article reminded people that perfectly good clothing and accessories are tucked away and ready to wear. I know this because there are times when I do a clean out and exclaim, “Oh, I […]
3rd Core Value: Prioritizing Churches and Leaders to Thrive
The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You Summer Series From the General Presbyter In our previous episodes, we recognized the importance of justice for all, and aiming toward loving inclusive community. Now we get to talk about where the “rubber meets the road.” Today I want to focus on the first word in this value: […]
2nd Core Value: Practicing Inclusivity
The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You Summer Series From the General Presbyter The 226th PC(USA) General Assembly was steeped in inclusivity, and it was wonderful to see and experience. Though most members of the PC(USA) are of European descent and over 50 years of age, other races and cultures were represented, as commissioners and […]
1st Core Value: Promoting Justice
The Presbytery, the Strategic Plan and You Summer Series From the General Presbyter The Cabinet started devising this plan in 2022 which starts with identifying our core values. The first value is “Promoting Justice.” Merriam Webster defines “just” as acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good. Justice rarely exists outside […]