888th Gathering
At its July 22 meeting, the Steering Cabinet of Baltimore Presbytery voted to conduct its September 10 and November 14 Gatherings online, via the Zoom platform. Both meetings will be at 10 a.m. (orientation at 9:30 a.m.) Please take a moment now to register for the meeting, and to review the “Docket in Brief.” The full docket and other meeting papers will be posted no later than September 3.
A couple of notes about the September Gathering. First, We have received many requests to consider using the “meeting” format of Zoom (rather than the “webinar” format we employed in May) if for no other reason than it will give us a chance to see one another’s faces—we like this idea, because we miss you all as well. In addition, however, we think this will make it a little easier to recognize speakers for the (virtual) floor. This may coincidentally require that we all be a little patient as our moderator and technical crew get the hang of managing our docket and provide for wider participation.
During our worship service, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Our Savior invites all to feast at His tabIe. If you desire to partake, please have a portion of bread and some wine or grape juice on hand ahead of time so that we may all partake together.
Also, we have also had numerous suggestions that we consider moving our popular “Open Space” offerings to a day separate from the Gathering itself. We like this idea too; it will give us greater flexibility in providing options at a variety of times, and it will help us accommodate the longer and more complicated dockets that we will necessarily be dealing with. Stay tuned—we’ll be working on this development this fall.
Questions? Email us at statedclerk@baltimorepresbytery.org.
Meantime, see you on September 10!
+ The Docket
+ Presbytery Zoom Gathering Guidelines
+ 887th Gathering Meeting Minutes
+ Worship, Installation of Officers, Celebration of The Lord’s Supper
+ Baltimore Presbytery Policy on Pastoral Compensation
+ General Presbyter’s Report to the Presbytery
+ Report to the Administration Committee
+ 2021 Proposed Budget
+ Corrected Version of Ministry Group Manual Changes
+ Audrey Trapp Biography
+ Sue Lowcock Harris Biography
+ Seepersad Statement of Faith
+ CEDEPCA Partnership Agreement
+ Cuba Partnership Agreement
+ Youth Rising Flyer
+ Presbytery Lights Flyer
+ GA Blog Post: A Day in the Life of the General Assembly
+ GA Blog Post: A Second Day in the Life of the General Assembly