892nd Gathering
Join us Thursday morning on the 9th of September. Since we are gathering online, the business meeting will be less than two hours. There will be spirited worship with live music from Govans Presbyterian, a message from Rev. Stephen Scott, Vice-Moderator of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, updates about and around the Presbytery, and much more.
Stick around for the “Lunch Bunch” to catch up with your colleagues around the state, and join one of several break out groups in the afternoon.
Conversation Group topics
Afghan Arrivals: updates, Q & A on what is happening and how congregations can respond with Susan Krehbiel
Conversation about Triennium with Amy Carlson
Kirk Village Conversation with Edwin Lacey
Documents for Review
Minutes from the 891st Gathering (Draft)
Worship Bulletin: A Service of Commitment to Christ
Enduring Witness Community Engagement Grant Report 2019 – 2021
Presbytery Report to Synod on Representation 2121 – Report Chart